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They quit making rangeland. Boo.

Purina pushing "wind and rain" ingredients are similar but deer def do not like it near as much. I need to find a new go to.
Different parts of my farm get hit way harder than others.
If new to it at all…. Add very little garlic & more salt/molasses to start. They get used to it & then u can increase rates of garlic a bit or whatever - they will pound it. Get em used to it!! Even adding a bit of cracked corn if u wanted to really try to get their faces in it and try it. Every spot of mine- they destroy it. But some spots it’s like a bag every 2 weeks and others every 1.5 months - everything in between.
How much is “very little” for one spot? A tablespoonful, a cup, etc? Thanks
I tried that this year and I would agree, it doesn't have a lot of attraction. Thoughts on a way to increase attraction? Molasses maybe?

I used it this year, and when they weren’t hitting as hard, I upped the molasses. Also mixed in some cracked corn. Seemed to help.

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Yep- add molasses. The other thing u can add…. They make coating for corn to make it more attractive. Add a bit of that.
For garlic - first time, I’d go lighter. They do get used to it. Add lots of molasses, etc too when add garlic. U could try half lbs per 50 lbs mineral. I’ve bumped it to 5 lbs per 50 & they eat the heck out of it. Agree on adding cracked corn, molasses, etc etc
They quit making rangeland. Boo.

Purina pushing "wind and rain" ingredients are similar but deer def do not like it near as much. I need to find a new go to.
My deer didn’t seem to like the wind and rain at all, very little visits….i went real easy on the garlic too.
Got this text randomly from a buddy in Missouri. Somthing is def up.

"So I believe that the Purina Wind and Rain mineral has something in it that deters deer and coon from eating it. Put it out at 2 spots 4 weeks ago. Zero pics in 3 weeks of deer or coon getting near it. Went out last weekend and got rid of it. Put deer mineral out. Took 2 days but now deer hitting it non stop. One of my shooters has shown back up. Have you tried it??? One of my buddies just got rid of his wind and rain yesterday. He was having the same issue."
Just noting that we just pulled all our mineral on Aug 31 to give 30 days respite before season. When do the rest of you pull it?

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I had deer and coons using wind and rain but I mixed it with either a flavored mineral or a trophy rock.

chadw, I cover mine with a pallet or two, big tarp, and rocks on the corners/edges. Are you digging out your mineral sites?
I had deer and coons using wind and rain but I mixed it with either a flavored mineral or a trophy rock.

chadw, I cover mine with a pallet or two, big tarp, and rocks on the corners/edges. Are you digging out your mineral sites?

This year, I kept the mineral in 2’x3’x8” plastic tubs.

Also used Purina Wind and Rain mixed with a bunch of molasses and some garlic. Deer visited, but not as much as last year. But last year I mixed in some salt, too.

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How did you like the plastic tubs? I've always thought about that for places I'm not 100% sure I want a permanent mineral site or one I can quickly/easily remove. Does water pooling in the tub cause an issue?
How did you like the plastic tubs? I've always thought about that for places I'm not 100% sure I want a permanent mineral site or one I can quickly/easily remove. Does water pooling in the tub cause an issue?
My gut is that they are not quite as effective as putting it on the ground. But they do get used. And I like that better than covering them up during season. I drill two 1/4" holes in the bottom, which seems to help the water to drain if I put a small stick underneath to there is space between the hole and the ground. I'll try to take a pic next time I'm at the farm.
Couple years ago I cut some barrels in half and tried putting a couple out with the mineral sitting on a platform so it was raised above barrel. I didn't put holes in the bottom because I didn't want mineral leaching into the soil. Deer avoiding them like the plaque and after going to take them out I quickly figured out why. The water in the bottom off the tub was rank like no other. It was horrible.
I've heard that before- the water from rainfall mixed with mineral or feed will get rancid, mold, etc. That's why I've never used a tub.

Chad, I don't want to be Dudly Do-right warden here, but if the water is going from the tub with mineral, then running out of the drain and into the soil, I would assume that's leaching mineral. Are you concerned that could become a legal issue?
I've heard that before- the water from rainfall mixed with mineral or feed will get rancid, mold, etc. That's why I've never used a tub.

Chad, I don't want to be Dudly Do-right warden here, but if the water is going from the tub with mineral, then running out of the drain and into the soil, I would assume that's leaching mineral. Are you concerned that could become a legal issue?

No worries. I appreciate the question. I suppose there could be. But for places where we didn’t have mineral on the ground before, I don’t see any sign of the deer pawing at it, like you do when it’s on the ground. All but one of our stations are more than 200+yards from a stand.
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