Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Minnesota Bucks


It is going to be a good fall!
Here are a few bucks on my farms in MN...
Te-10 (18).jpg
Ra-10 (18).jpg
PP-10  (18).jpg
It’s not the same caliber as most Iowa farms, hoping we have a few big boys survive??

Guessing this one should be a stud if he survived?
View attachment 116720 It’s not the same caliber as most Iowa farms, hoping we have a few big boys survive??

Guessing this one should be a stud if he survived?
That's a good deer for sure. A wise man once told me....you can't kill a 160...170...180.. where he don't live. All of us get caught up in the inches of these deer that we try to grow, but let's be honest. A 150, 140, 130in deer is a good deer. I hear, read, and look at pictures of all these big deer but let's be honest.....most of us fish where the best..... (I'll say bass is 4 lbs is the biggest).. we are not going to catch a 5lber if he don't exist, It will never happen. So I guess what I'm trying to say to everyone, keep your goals into perspective and be proud of what it is at the end of the day you decide to either shoot or make your goal!!!! If not it can make for a long miserable season!!!
Big bucks in MN?!? I say those are photoshopped or taken from high fence!! ;) :)

Agree on above.... if I was hunting MN- my goals would be totally different. Back in MI- most guys shot 1.5 year olds. So.... to have a goal to shoot a 2.5 was actually super hard where I was. Some YEARS I never even saw a 2.5!!!..... Yes- that’s hunting NON STOP october & November & never even getting a glimpse of a 2.5 some years!!!
That place was a disaster!!!! why I got in my car- split some gas $ & we took trips to states with good regulations. A “reasonably short & low cost trip” & most places u would see 2.5-3.5 year olds commonly. & my goals changed big time after we got to that new area. It’s crazy how regulations & short distance across lines can go from “total disaster” to “awesome hunting”.

Back to main post - awesome pics and all that hard work paying off. I’m actually not surprised! ;)
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Big bucks in MN?!? I say those are photoshopped or taken from high fence!! ;) :)

Agree on above.... if I was hunting MN- my goals would be totally different. Back in MI- most guys shot 1.5 year olds. So.... to have a goal to shoot a 2.5 was actually super hard where I was. Some YEARS I never even saw a 2.5!!!..... Yes- that’s hunting NON STOP october & November & never even getting a glimpse of a 2.5 some years!!!
That place was a disaster!!!! why I got in my car- split some gas $ & we took trips to states with good regulations. A “reasonably short & low cost trip” & most places u would see 2.5-3.5 year olds commonly. & my goals changed big time after we got to that new area. It’s crazy how regulations & short distance across lines can go from “total disaster” to “awesome hunting”.

Back to main post - awesome pics and all that hard work paying off. I’m actually not surprised! ;)

It’s all age, man MN could be the ticket!
November 5 gun season:rolleyes:
This buck was on camera in my alfalfa

I think he ate so much he popped a drop time? Fat boy.... not sure age yet?
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