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Miscanthus Gigantus

I planted 500ish miscanthus rhizomes this spring on a test area screening my barn (and its associated activities) from the farm and road. They are beginning to pop up nicely. 3 rows 18” apart and 18” (approximately) between each rhizome.

I have a buddy who planted around 10,000 this spring for commercial screening projects and his are coming along too. He planted with a tree planter, which if you are doing more than a couple hundred I highly recommend.
I hadnt seen (or noticed) an IW thread on miscanthus so thought id get one going.
If my test turns out doing well I’ll probably plant several more in coming years.


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I have had nothing but disappointment from my miscanthis plantings over the years. The glutton for punishment I am, I decided to try again with the stuff Higgins is selling this year . I burned down with round up and atrazine which has been my usual method.
If it's half as good as don claims it'll be 10 times better than my other plantings.
I have had great experience with giant miscanthus from Don at Maple River. Did exactly what he said it would, first year one shoot about 3-4’ tall, second year a few shoots 5-7’ tall, and the third year it started to bush out a bit more. I sprayed a couple times each year with 2,4-d. I sold the farm and bought a new one and intend to plant a bunch next spring
So far I'm fairly impressed with Don's miscanthis. Even with the extreme early heat and lack of rain, this stuff had popped out of the ground far better than any of my previous miscanthis plantings.
I sprayed 24d on my newly planted miscanthus when it was a foot tall this spring. It worked great on the broadleaves and the miscanthus looks great. It likes a lot of rain to get going and this dry start to the year didn't do it any favors for taking off.

I have just shy of a half mile of it as screen and by year 3 it was a great screen. I used prowl h2o as a preemerge on all of it except this year's planting. I ran out of time when I was doing the project so it didn't get the spray. It's only 50 yards of screening so I can hand weed that. My original source was Don at Maple River farms. It has always done great in first year. I now use a portion of one row as my source for any new plantings. A single bottom plow run both ways for several feet make getting rhizomes relatively easy. The left over portion that was plowed then comes back like nothing ever happened.
This is what mine looks right now. Just been too damn dry. Think I should do a 15-15-15 on it?

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