Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Miscanthus x Gianteus

If we stay in the drought what's the chances of the rhizomes living? Want to plant some as well but scared with the weather we have been in the past yrs?
I planted some this past year. It was the worst drought I have ever seen. However, it went in early and we had good rain up until June so it must have rooted itself pretty good. It all survived. This was in pretty good soil. If it was marginal soil, I think it probably would have died.
If we stay in the drought what's the chances of the rhizomes living? Want to plant some as well but scared with the weather we have been in the past yrs?
That’s always a gamble. If you get them in early spring - success goes up. Earlier the better imo. Most years- u likely will be just fine.
Where did you source your miscanthus? I’ve been looking at Real World, but it seems pricey for a screen compared to other shrub/tree plantings.

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Anyone spray quinclorac on miscanthus to get rid of foxtail.? Safe? (I am pretty confident it's fine but I've never tried it)
Tried some MG for the first time this year. Put about 3000 rhizomes in the ground on 4/29.
Got a couple decent rains early and it's off to a great start so far.


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This time of year is getting late for treating foxtail, it can be harder to control with quinclorac as it gets more mature. YMMV
Any of you fertilized it? Have several great stands I’ve never touched, but one that’s in heavy clay and is filled out but seems to be lacking on height compared to others
Any of you fertilized it? Have several great stands I’ve never touched, but one that’s in heavy clay and is filled out but seems to be lacking on height compared to others
I have about 650 yards of it on a heavy clay, no fertilizer ever, 9 years old and it has grown great. It's about 11' tall now, I have 150 yards of it on some bottom black dirt and it is just a little bit taller but stand is just as thick, no fertilizer as well. The feather inert seed heads will put it to 12' at both places I'm sure.
I know it’s been asked a million times but what’s everyone think regarding the beat product? Is there a company that sells quality for cheaper?
I know it’s been asked a million times but what’s everyone think regarding the beat product? Is there a company that sells quality for cheaper?
As somone who sells it i can tell you prices change alot based on quantity. So that's a good place to start the discussion. Some folks want 100 rhizomes. Some want 10,000.

I've sourced and planted from 3 different "brands". You wouldn't know the difference between any of them.
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