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Missouri Woman Shot with Arrow


Life Member
So how many of you practice with your bow in your back yard? This must have been scary!

80-year-old Missouri woman shot with arrow at kitchen table

An 80-year-old woman babysitting her great grandchildren was hit in the face with an arrow while sitting at the kitchen table on Tuesday morning.

"I just feel like I’m lucky,” Margaret Shofner said.

From out of nowhere through the kitchen window, an arrow ripped right through Shofner’s screen, shattered the glass and careened to the kitchen table, scraped her nose then lodged in her mouth. At first, she didn't even know what hit her.

"Until I saw this black line across my face. I reached up like this and pulled it out and laid it on the table. That's when I realized what it was. And still it's hard to believe that you're shot in the house with an arrow, " Shofner said.

Police say 26-year-old Robert Joiner was practicing archery in his back yard nearby.
Stunned, Shofner didn't call police. Her grandson did when he came home about an hour later.

"I just sat here with the wash rag on my face until they came home. Of course, Brianna met them at the door and said grandma's been shot with arrow," Shofner told reporters.

Officers have seized Joiner's bow, the arrow, plus another arrow a neighbor had previously found.

Officials say even though Joiner didn't mean to hurt anyone, he's still being charged with second degree assault and armed criminal action.

This post is for informational purposes only.
A buddy of mine had an arrow lodge in the side of his house just about an inch below a window which his wife was sitting in a chair right next to. They herd the thump and thought something had fell on their deck. They went out to look an saw the arrow. They hollered at the guy behind them and he ran into his house and would not answer the door. They called the police and he was issued a ticket for shooting a wepon in city limits and paid to have the siding repaired. He was lucky, could have ended worse.
Heard this on the radio the other morning, Crazy> I live in town but i shoot toward the back yard where thre is an open field. No reason to chance such a thing
Forget about the arrow....... whats an 80 year old doing babysitting.:eek:

Crazy... Ive shot in town before. Not tward peoples houses. Use a back stop like your own garage or shed.
Wow I cannot believe this stories timing. Theres a pc of property I've been trying to get permission on for the last 3 years. The 80 something yr old woman that owns the place always said no because she was afraid she would be shot inside her house thru her picture window!
This place has never been hunted as the owners have always had a Christmas tree farm on their property. Unfortunately her husband passed away about 4 yrs ago and the trees are no longer being harvested. Can you say deer sanctuary!
Yesterday I decided to get my annual NO by stopping one more time. And boy am I glad I stopped, she actually finally said YES!
Looks like I need to buy me 3 more stands asap!
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