The Hunt Never Ends....
I, like many of you, live, breath, and while sleeping, dream about big whitetails. In the past, I've had some great luck going after specific bucks, or at least putting myself in a position to do so. If another big one walks in before hand, well, then that's fine too 
Here is where the story of 'Mistaken Identity' begins. If you would rather watch the video (which is somewhat glitchy for some reason?), then please do so. If you are interested, you can watch it here; 'Mistaken Identity' w/ Chris Dunkin
Due to work constraints and prior obligations, I didn't even step foot in a treestand in the month of October. I did, however, run trail cameras hard in hopes of better patterning some of my hit list bucks. As the end of October neared, I was getting a good feel for what bucks were on the farms I hunted. Two bucks in particular really caught my attention, not because they were the biggest bucks I could hunt, but because they were living on a farm (death row) that's easy to hunt. You see, 'death row' is a farm consisting mainly of CRP, with some draws, making it much easier to hunt than some of the other big timbered farms that I have permission on. I have now killed my last 4 bucks on this farm, in a combined total of 7 sits.
AWOL was one of the bucks on Death Row;
Rookie was the other;
Rookie and I have quite the history. I have 100's of trail camera photos of him, as well as a close encounter last year. We also found his shed. In all honesty, he was the buck I really wanted to kill. Here is the encounter I had with him last year on November 4th, 2011. (click part 1)
Based on multiple sightings and trail cam pictures, I knew where Rookie was living at on 'death row.' Once my vacation started, I decided that I would go after him when the wind was right.
On November 3rd, that happened. With Blake Lefler tagging along with the video camera, we made our way to Rookies bedroom; a super thick draw in the center of the farm.
We set up in a 'central hub' where multiple draws ran together and waited;
It wasn't long before bucks were filtering past us. Rut action was hot and heavy, and it seemed that each time I rattled a buck would come in. Numerous bucks were chasing does up and down the draw. I knew that it was going to be a special night;
As darkness fell, I was in awe. I had just had one of the best hunts of my life, and didn't even release an arrow. I planned on returning in the morning, and had high hopes that Rookie would come by.
Shortly after first light I rattled, and immediately had a young buck with great potential come running in. The morning action was starting off just as it ended the evening before;
A short while later, a flock of turkeys made their way by;
Here is where the story of 'Mistaken Identity' begins. If you would rather watch the video (which is somewhat glitchy for some reason?), then please do so. If you are interested, you can watch it here; 'Mistaken Identity' w/ Chris Dunkin
Due to work constraints and prior obligations, I didn't even step foot in a treestand in the month of October. I did, however, run trail cameras hard in hopes of better patterning some of my hit list bucks. As the end of October neared, I was getting a good feel for what bucks were on the farms I hunted. Two bucks in particular really caught my attention, not because they were the biggest bucks I could hunt, but because they were living on a farm (death row) that's easy to hunt. You see, 'death row' is a farm consisting mainly of CRP, with some draws, making it much easier to hunt than some of the other big timbered farms that I have permission on. I have now killed my last 4 bucks on this farm, in a combined total of 7 sits.
AWOL was one of the bucks on Death Row;

Rookie was the other;

Rookie and I have quite the history. I have 100's of trail camera photos of him, as well as a close encounter last year. We also found his shed. In all honesty, he was the buck I really wanted to kill. Here is the encounter I had with him last year on November 4th, 2011. (click part 1)
Based on multiple sightings and trail cam pictures, I knew where Rookie was living at on 'death row.' Once my vacation started, I decided that I would go after him when the wind was right.
On November 3rd, that happened. With Blake Lefler tagging along with the video camera, we made our way to Rookies bedroom; a super thick draw in the center of the farm.

We set up in a 'central hub' where multiple draws ran together and waited;

It wasn't long before bucks were filtering past us. Rut action was hot and heavy, and it seemed that each time I rattled a buck would come in. Numerous bucks were chasing does up and down the draw. I knew that it was going to be a special night;

As darkness fell, I was in awe. I had just had one of the best hunts of my life, and didn't even release an arrow. I planned on returning in the morning, and had high hopes that Rookie would come by.
Shortly after first light I rattled, and immediately had a young buck with great potential come running in. The morning action was starting off just as it ended the evening before;

A short while later, a flock of turkeys made their way by;

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