Love the debate.
On THIS example…. The burden of proof is actually on Rompola. As in “if u want to enter it & to call it the world record, we need to inspect & x-ray it”. (Just like they would do if you shot one). He wouldn’t allow that. That’s the point where he pulled it. Does that “prove” that it’s fake alone? NO. He simply can’t prove that it’s real. None of us will know if real or fake until he allows it to be inspected and x-ray’d. If it’s legit- dont know why a person wouldn’t jump through a standard flushing out of “hey, world record is a big deal. We need to verify this so we can keep everyone honest”. It’s the exact same reasoning they give lie detector tests to folks in fish tournaments. & look at fish that get weighed. And…. Pull weights out when they know things are “fishy”. & just like those walleyes with the giant bellies & odd weight scores- there’s PLENTY of reasons that stand out that are suspicious of Rompola. It would be just like cutting open a fish…. No weights- no problem. X-ray a deer & allow scorers to inspect it: it passes - no problem!!! Problem is- IMO- he wouldn’t pass.
If anyone caught a 25 lbs world record bass by putting weights down it & claimed the record. & then dudes said “hey, bring that fish over so we can x-ray & inspect” - anyone would run for the hills & pull same crap!!!… “I aint showing u my bass!!! U can’t inspect for weights. I got nothing to prove!!!”
Same thing IMO!!!! Is there absolute 100% proof (like someone having video of him doing the BS) - no. But- if this were to go to civil court (or even criminal court) where the standards are: “extremely likely” & circumstantial evidence which is in any court case …. He would lose badly. Why he agreed with Milo Hansen to drop the claim. He woulda lost. Again- not absolute proof but this is more solid than OJ killing his wife by a long shot. Which also, no one has “absolute definitive evidence” there either….. both cases, think we know the truth.
I love the sticking with it guys though. Love your counter & belief that it’s real.
I probably shouldn’t tell everyone but TMayer13 has the Rompola buck tattoo’d full size on his back!!!
. He’s gotta go down with the ship.