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MN Bear luck?

Thanks guys, I know that I got lucky. The guide that baited for me deserves the majority of the credit. I just held still, controlled my scent, and made the shot. For a lot of us luck is the main ingredient to success. Even when I hunt whitetails at home I can't put in the time that is required to say that luck doesn't play in. I'll take this kind of luck any day.
Great Bear! I was up in the northwest corner for the opener and had saw a guy register a 455#er.There were about 15 of us waiting to see the offical weight. Cool thing was that it was shot by a 70 plus year old local. I have seen alot of bears but I still can't get over the size of that thing i have never seen anything like it. I would guess that the average weight for a MN bear would be around 150-170 pounds so Great job on shooting that dandy!!
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