PMA Member
Everyone knows how well mock scrapes can work from mid october thru the 1st week of november, but here is something I have been doing the last few years. Around the first of september after bucks strip the velvet I cut willow trees, 4-9 inches in diameter and about 9 foot long with at least one long licking branch. Take a post hole digger and sink it 3 feet in the ground, in your food plot or feeding field, where you want your shot to be. I also put a second tree in about 10 feet away for a camera. Scratch up the bark a little and make a mock scrape under the licking branch and your set. The bucks go to the tree right away in september and scent check/thrash it first thing when they come to the field, all the way thru january.Even if they are not coming to feed, they want to know who has been there. Other trees will probably work, but the willows are a soft wood with a strong smell when the bark is rubbed.No matter how solid you put it in, they will have it loose in the ground in no time and spin the tree in circles making a scrape all the way around the tree. It seems the looser the tree gets in the ground the more they like it. I like a forked tree but it has to be sunk deep or they will pull it out of the ground the first night.I learned the hard way last year to mount the camera 6 ft up. Right after the close up picture, the big buck destroyed my new reconyx, breaking all the glass, somehow opened the door, dumped all 12 batteries and even sprung the card. A little clear packing tape over the broken glass and the camera is still working fine. Reconyx cameras rock. Thats never happened with my flash cameras.Its a great way to get pictures all season and position them for a shot in a big feeding area.Sorry so long winded, but its never too early to start thinking about next season.