Totally agree.( Not trying to claim idea but I use to do this all the time back in the mid-nineties. Have old Cam Trakker print pics of devastated trees shortly after planting them 18 " deep in a half bag of Sakrete......that way the bucks usually wouldn't push them over.) I would find a cedar or other preferred rub tree species and cut it off then dig a hole,plant the tree about 18 yards from my fields edge stand. I would also make sure there was an overhead branch approx. 5-1/2 to 6 feet high on the tree (I would sometimes nail the limb in place and it needed to be pointing towards my treestand. That way you would have an better chance that the buck would be broadside,or, better yet quatering away with his face buried in the overhead branch, completely preoccupied as you settle your pin)...I would usually plant the trees around velvet shedding time, first week in a dog that can't walk past a fire hydrant, both does and bucks would often scent check, rub or scrape at the rub/licking branch mock tree.......not always, but enough time to make it a fun thing to do.....give it a try and put a camera on it and share your pics...oh yeah, I would sometimes pee in the scrape under the branch or,if I had any type of commercial deer scent i would lace the scrape......usually can't go wrong with almost any scent.....they are curious animals.