UL Shelter/Stove Geek
nannyslayer said:Jeez, from the looks of things, I may never kill a turkey again!!! I don't use decoys, just call them in and shoot them. But I do have a Bmobile in the garage, might as well get rid of that thing.
Do you bow hunt them? When using a gun, cheap dekes, like feather flexes, can often hurt you more often, then help. If I still gun hunted them, I would leave the dekes and blind at home. Bow hunting can be done without a blind and dekes too, as I have done it, but Good dekes hold the bird near the blind long enough so that you can get an arrow off. Archery birds is a whole different game, then running and gunning with a shotgun. I quit shot gunning them, simply, because it just got too easy. I know many people that like gunning them, and that is cool with me. Different strokes...whatever floats a guys boat.