Well-Known Member
In 20 years of bowhunting, I have never experienced anything like I did the evening of 10/5. Running late to my stand, after experiencing some bow issues, I arrived at the farm at 3:00 pm. I gathered my gear and started walking across the bean field to my stand. This field was planted July 5th, and as such is the only field with green beans for several miles. 600 yards from my stand, I jumped a big buck I call “23” that was bedded in the middle of the beans. 23 is a 160-165” deer, and I watched the deer bound away and disappear over the fence into a sea of corn. Frustrated, I made my way to my stand, knowing I just spooked the 2nd biggest buck on the farm. I climed into my stand, turned around, and to my surprise I saw a giant buck feeding in the beans 450 yards away, almost in the same spot where I jumped 23! I pulled up my binoculars and realized it was the biggest deer on the farm, a buck I call “Walker” that I have history from last year with. He was bedded down with 23 and due to the high winds he had no idea I had spooked the other deer. I watched him feed and then bed back down facing away from me. He laid his head down as if he was asleep! I saw the wind was parallelling the buck and me, and the high winds were making a lot of noise, so I knew he would not see, smell, or hear me if I was careful. I left everything in the tree except my bow, rangefinder, and binos, and I slowly stalked through the muddy standing beans, yard by yard. I kept ranging him...158 yds, then 137, then 80, then 58, then 37, and finally I got to a spot that was 25 yards from the sleeping buck and decided I would wait him out. I wanted him to stand up on his own if possible so he would be relaxed. I laid in the beans staring at his antlers for nearly 4 hours! Finally, just after sunset, other deer started filtering into the field. I saw a yearling buck coming towards me in the beans and knew the buck would see me and alert the big buck. I got ready as the young buck circled downwind. The young buck alerted and stomped his foot. The big buck’s head came up and I drew my bow, Walker stood from his bed and looked back at the small buck, never seeing me! I let the arrow fly at 25 yards! He never knew what hit him and was dead in 6 seconds! What a feeling! If not for a busted G3 he would score 181 5/8”! And still scores 171 1/8” as is with the busted tine. So pumped!
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