Camo Up!
Good idea to turn the bow down. I had similar happen to me, but not with a deer in front of me. A couple years ago I ended up having shoulder problems. I had turned my bow up and practiced in the summer, and thought I was just out of shape or not used to the higher weight as I began struggling just a little while drawing. Season comes along, and it's not better. So I'm in the stand on an early hunt. Just for kicks, I decide to draw my bow in the stand. Nothing. Can't get it drawn back. Ended up having to do physical therapy because I couldn't get my arm past perpendicular to my side a couple weeks later. I continued to hunt hoping that adrenaline would help me overcome any pain when I needed to draw, but ended up not needing to draw anyway as I never got a chance at anything I wanted to shoot. PT did help. I turned the bow down again too. Not saying this is the same as your experience, but the feeling of not being able to draw back was very heartbreaking.