$$$, I don't think it's a slippery slope, dude. Just a person's feelings on shooting or not.
Take it for what its worth, I pride myself on being a doe serial killer.... :grin: :moon:
Let's take this a step further. I used to know a guy that was a consistent big buck killer and claimed to be a quasi-land/whitetail manager. Doing his best to raise bigger deer through the quality genetics they carried on their farm. He made it a point to pass a few large "quality" does on his place year after year. Those does lived long and got old, and for some reason, he didn't see a major increase in quality of bucks, let alone see those genetics stick around.
Here is my thoughts, first of two. I firmly believe keeping mature does around because they "carry good genetics" is actually counter productive. It is natures way of avoiding inbreeding as the does do not keep their button bucks around for more than a few months. In fact, I have read studies and seen it first hand on my cameras that the button bucks end up alone about mid to late August. Ever wonder why button bucks are the dumbest deer in the woods? In short, the does have run them off, or weaned them if you will because the B-Bucks are beginning to get frisky. Because the doe fawns offer no chance of inbreeding (obviously) you will see doe family groups that are 3, 4, and 5 generations deep, even more.
If you keep big mature does around and are trying to improve the quality of your herd you are not doing your efforts any favors. Other studies have also shown that a buck's home range changes drastically after they are weaned. In fact, they will take up residence a long ways (several miles) from where they were born and will not likely return, especially with the annual rut taking them all over the country side.
BUT, if you whack a few of those mature does you greatly increase the likely hood of keeping the genetics you are trying to improve on your property. Those button bucks will much more likely stay close to where they were born and create far superior string of genetics. Sure does carry half of the genetics in a fawn buck, but there is NO way to determine if her genetics are the best available. There is no accurate way to control how those genetics are maintained unless under a deer farm setting.
Secondly, big old does are smart and those thing will ruin a hunt more than any other animal in the woods. Keeping the smart ones around greatly reduce the chances of killing big bucks because they consistently blow up area. Even if you are keeping them guessing, they will still catch you if you give them enough time, especially if you are not shooting them because they have fawns with them.
So, in the end keeping big mature does around will reduce your chances of killing big deer... I say whack all the big fat girls and keep the genetic string fresh with younger dumber does and you will kill more big deer.
There is one doe I have been after for quite a few years (at least 6-7 years old) that is a hunt spoiler... I have moved stands around and had her bust me from 300-400 yards out without moving a muscle.. she just knows... she needs to die! she is such a slutty doe she had her tail removed so she could be even more slutty.... :grin: She has no tail and thats how I recognize her... If she shows up with three fawns like she did last year, I'm gonna whack her! If I don't drop my release this time and have it hit every step on the way down....