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Monster Dubuque Buck...Wow!!!!!

All I can say is AWSOME!!!!! What a rush that had to be,better then hitting the lottery.
Congratulations on a great deer. Like to hear the whole story about that old boy. stingray
Geezzz, Why would anyone shoot something that small.

One hellova buck. Look at that skull plate, that deer had be pumping some steroids!

I heard the deer was shot in Illinois not Iowa, called a friend in Illinois and he said somewhere around Hanover,Il
It's an Iowa bow buck with an interesting story, hopefully the details will come soon.

We still like the guys sweat shirt the best!

Stay tuned...
Looks like the typ side of the rack is an 8 pointer, I would like to know the gross and net of the 8 point rack.
I talked to the guy that was in the group that found him. It was shot in Iowa,during bow and found while shotgun hunting.He said it was pretty chewed up and decayed,That is why they just cut off the rack.The location was 'near' Dubuque. He also said it was rough scored at 260.I'll try to get more details.
Do you think anyone will want to hunt Iowa next year , two deer over 230 , I don't understand broadcasting the deer you shoot so the next year you will have more guys hunting your area, or worse yet MINE !!!!!!
Sorry you are so shortsighted. Actually there are probably 8-10 225+ bucks harvested SO far. I can identify them.
Awesome deer! From what I've heard it was taken near Dubuque and has been seen in years past. Deer was guesstimated at 8-10 years of age. Apparently his rack has gone downhill from what he was in the past. I'm sure when the whole story comes out it will be a great one. It has to be with such a magnificent subject. Maggs.
I heard that the DNR is currently trying to confiscate the rack. Apparently even the he found it during shotgun season he tagged it with his bow tag. The DNR is involved and saying that he should of gotten a salvage tag, even if he would of tagged it with his shotgun tag. Still trying to get more info on the situation. That is one heck of a deer!
The law does state that if you find a deer, dnr or sheriff should be contacted for a salvage tag. Here we go again..........this could be a sticky one.
I hope he doesn't lose the rack to the DNR just because he neglected to get a salvage tag. Would the DNR come knocking if it was a small six-point?
If the bowhunter did not suspend his search for the deer since the day he hit it and was with the group that found it I wouldn't think it a problem to put his archery tag on the deer. I'd have to believe that he alerted everyone in the group to keep an eye peeled for the buck and with that was continuing the search for an archery shot deer. Was the person who found it the bowhunter that shot it?

Allamakee Grand Slam
I've been looking for alot of things all my life!
Was it an ongoing search.......
Time to call Johnny Cochrin!
I was just wondering when, or even if we're ever going to here the story behind this magnificient whitetail...If anyone has any information at all, im sure it would be greatly appreciated if you let us all know... personally I'm very eager to hear this deer's story, and I dont think im the only one. Thanks
i guess the story behind it is that the guy had shot it during bow season and when he was walking to his stand during shotgun season he stumbled upon it about 100 yds away from his stand. This is what i heard at the local archery shop here i don't
know the score or anything like that.
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