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Montana Decoy?


PMA Member
I'm in the process of purchasing a buck decoy. I've used a Renzo Decoy in the past with some success, but they're just not big enough in my opinion. Have any of you used the Montana Decoys? Are they bigger than the Renzo decoys? Are they as productive as the more traditional hard-sided decoys?
KHH, if I don't go with the Montana, the Carrylite is the way I'll go. The Montana isn't a true silhouette though is it? I thought it was 3-d, and set up with the same kind of system as many pop-up blinds. I've never seen one in person though, and that's why I'm asking.
Their website says that are silhoettes that look like a 3d decoy. I saw them used on Tom Miranda's hunting show last weekend with success (he was hunting elk). They look more durable than the Renzos. The Montana decoy measures 37" tall and 48" wide.
I have been using them for a few years with good success. At first I was skeptical, but they do work. I have the buck and the doe and it seems as deer are attracted to both. I have had many deer come up to them and put their nose on them and not get scared. This was shocking the first time, because I thought the hunt was over. I would say that they are a good choice for the money, ease, and the ability of them to get deer close.
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