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Montana Extreme BH209 Oil


Active Member
I am not sure how many people use this stuff but I finally bought some and it works great. I was using Hopps #9 but it just didn't seem to work all that great. The BH209 oil dissolves it pretty quick. Just thought I would pass that along in case someone was on the fence about buying it.

Does anyone know where you can buy this in Iowa? Scheels and Fin and feather doesn't have it but I was wondering if maybe gander mountain would.
I think it was like $15 bucks with shipping. I never tried the barrel blaster, maybe I will give that a whirl next time. Always sucks when you can't just run to the store and grab something. I think this can I bought will at least last me 3 or 4 years though.
I am using the products sold by Russell Lynch over at maxmuzzleloading.com ..... Max Dead On cleaner and conditioner.

Have been very happy with it so far.... seems to work great with BH209 :way:
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