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More blinds

Since blinds seem to be a hot topic right now.

Has anyone built their own blinds that are more along the lines of a pop up size? I would like to make a few that are hopefully somewhat cheaper, will stand up to the weather better, but are somewhat "easily" movable (can move with a small sled, or carry a short distance).
Been thinking the same thing. But I think I'm going to try and build one on an old lawnmower trailer so it can be moved with a vehicle or tractor.
Like many others on here, we've built several on old running gear from wagons no longer in service. They vary in size, but having the portability feature is really nice.

I built a hay bale blind with cattle panels Works amazing still light enough to put in bed of the truck
I am thinking of placing them more in the timber are known travel corridors, mast trees, staging areas, etc. I am just looking for something that is going to be able to stand up better than a pop-up. Between high winds, snow loads and cattle I have had a few pop-ups destroyed over the years. At $100-200+ I would like them to be able to take some kind of abuse.
I've been considering moving my haybale blind into the timber also. I bought a kit from Midwest Bale blinds and I really like it. It was around $200 and i believe it will last a long time. I wrapped it with tarps and added treated 2x4s on the roof for snow load. Their plans didn't call for that. Without it I think they would rot in a few years. But their basic plan is pretty nice and once you have the plans you can build them cheaper and better.
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