Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Brother in law has found about 15 lbs of greys finally and about ten lbs of yellows that were just really starting to pop...I on the other hand have only found about 3 lbs of greys but now the yellows are popping, got about 13 lbs so far...crazy good year here
This has been our best year in the about 8 years I've been looking for them seriously. Between myself and my brother we have found roughly 45 pounds. On Wednesday while I was at work my younger brother hit a motherload tree where he picked 13 pounds of big yellows, and then wandered around in the timber long enough to pick up another 10 pounds. Its about done here, but I think the north slopes will still be good once it warms up again.
Really good season! Found over 25 lbs this year but def think its coming to an end. Anyone else finding alot still or fresh ones in the DM area?
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