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Morning Buck Help


New Member
I was out on now opener on September 15 (Minnesota) and I had 5 different bucks out in the day light from 7:30-9, two of which were nice bucks. The closest they got were only about 55 yards. Any tactics to get them in a little closer this early in the year? Thought of maybe light rattling being the two bigger bucks I saw started sparring, but didn't have my rattlers on me.
You could try light rattling, but I wouldn't call at all till mid to late October. Patience is key, even more so early in the season.
This time of year very, and I mean VERY light rattling works about as good as anything. Problem I have seen with light rattling this time of year is, it's mostly young bucks that come in and check things out.

I always read about a giant killed every year early season by someone tickling some antlers together. No matter what time of year it is, bucks are always curious and if you catch them in the right mood, light rattling will work.

Or you can go to c'mere deer spray. Just spray into the wind and deer will come from miles. It's what the bottle says anyways.....
just yell at him... "Hey deer! Get over here!!"
they've done studies...60% of the time, it works every time!
I second the light rattling would bring them in.. Personally I'd save the snort wheeze until closer to the rut.. The bucks don't hate each other right now.

If you are watching them, try soft grunts if you don't get a response, tickle the horns or rattle bag. If that doesn't work, don't over call, try it again another day.. No need to educate them too much..
I think you would prefer to have put them up earlier or if it would every rain, a few hours before a good rain would help erase some of the scent. But, if you have to move, move them now. Now would be better than a month from now. What about a climber, sometimes the best time is the first time you hunt a location.
I agree with THA4. I tagged a buck up there in Minnesota just this past Friday. The can brought him to me. Just get his attention with a couple bleats. He'll u-turn or he won't. I'm not saying you can pull one out of a group, but from my research, the bleat is used year-round by does so wouldn't cause suspicion(sp?) like the snort-wheeze would in September. The buck I turned was alone.
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