Most importantly...


PMA Member
Don't forget to PRAY for our leaders, regardless of who gets elected...probably the most important thing we can do.

Thought I might share a devotional from KSQ2 on our site (thought this was relevant with the recent discussions):

2 Chronicles 7:14

and My people, who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Two weeks from today is a very big day. Dawna and I will be hunting in northern Kansas and people all over this nation will be making their way to voting booths. Our absentee ballots are on the kitchen counter right now awaiting our pens. It doesn't take much observation by the believer to see that our country is in bad shape, in more ways than one. There's no need now to go into detail right now, but it's clear that we, as a country, aren't a God-fearing people. I'm not even sure we're supposed to be, as strange as that sounds. This nation, and world even, are not our home; we're simply staying here for a while before heading to the greenest of all pastures. But I happen to have grown pretty fond out this nation we live in right now, and as long as I'm here, I'm going to do my best to influence the culture of that nation, not so much for my sake, but more for the sake of your children and mine. That makes the upcoming election very important to me. I believe you and I have a bigger responsibility than pulling ourselves out of the woods on November 6th and into a voting booth, I believe we HAVE to pray!! Pray for our current president and other leaders, pray for the outcome of the upcoming elections, pray that our nation can be healed! Please be praying, and don't stop when the voting booths close and the votes are tallied.
Great reminder that we are not the ones in control no matter how much we think we are. Thank you.
Sorry man! I see what your after! You really want to open this up on a hunting website???? We all have our ideas! We do what we do! I do not think this belongs on a hunting website! Nothing personal! Your gonna open a world of garbage! Lotta political sites you can hash this over on! I just think this isn't the place!! And if the folks that run it think it is!!!!!!:D:D Then I'll respond to this post for real!!!!!!!!!:way: P.S I have already been banned on here for MY OPINION!!!!!!! This could be #2!! It's a hunting site folks!! I can watch CNN for election news!!!
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Guess I'm not sure what you think I'm after Cooter...honestly. I just think it's important to pray for our president, that's all. And that they would have wisdom in running our country.

Guess I thought this was as non-controversial post as any... if the mods feel different, feel free to take down. :way:
I do not think this belongs on a hunting website! It's a hunting site folks!! I can watch CNN for election news!!!

You are correct, this is a hunting site and hunting is what draws us together. That being said, there are many other topics that are brought up here that are not hunting related but are important to one, or many of our members. Not all agree, but as long as things stay civil and people use common sense in their responses then the discussions go on. I have seen threads on here that the topic of discussion is the alcoholic beverage that people prefer, the sports teams that they cheer for, and who is going to win the next UFC fight. They are not hunting related and I don't always agree with the point but they don't seem to take away from the site as long as the responses stay civil. While I have taken issue with some inappropriate photos or profanity that have been posted over the years that I wouldn't want my kids to see when they look over my shoulder, a thread that promotes praying for the leaders of this country, whom ever you want that to be, seems to be an important point and well timed for our upcoming elections.

Is the election hunting related? No. Could the results impact our future of hunting? Who knows? Could someone mess up a perfectly acceptable thread by failing to use common sense in their reply, saying something offensive, or trying to stir the pot? Yeah, unfortunately.:(

P.S I have already been banned on here for MY OPINION!!!!!!! This could be #2!!

Very avoidable. :way:
Great post Matt! Couldn't agree more! Don't listen to Crockett, he just has a squeak in his rocking chair again...
A reminder of the importance of prayer in general, and specifically for the leadership of this great country, is an appropriate topic on any site. Thanks for bringing it up :way:

Good post Matt:) Your a class act and your intentions and posts are always worth reading.

Throwing politics out the window, each night I pray that God watches over my son, wife and family.That he helps those lost kids out there find their way home, and to help make this world a better place. I enjoyed your post.

Good luck out there.