We have a confirmed 300 Mountain lions in Saskatchewan, possibly more. They have been spotted in many places, confirmed byt the DNR and shot in more than a few places, confirmed by all the authorities.
Some people claim the DNR brought them here to control the population of deer, that is nothing more than coffee shop rumors, obviously you guys here them too. We also brought in Grizzly Bears to control the black bears, didn't you know.
They have HUGE home range and like Ghost said...like young bears, or wolves, will move an awful distance to find their own "safe haven".
DO NOT believe the DNR brought them into any state or province in North America, it's a big coffeee shop rumor.
If I wasn't afraid to be called a liar I'd say I've seen one with my own eyes, about Midnight, crossing the hiway in front of the jeep I was a passenger in. We were stopped about 25 yards from it while it walked across the road, never looking at us. I'd tell people that....but they'd call me liar. Now anyways, unless they are posing an immediate threat to human life, I view them as a great addition to our wildlife poplulations. A beautiful, stealthy, cunning predator...can it get any more "wild"? I for one, love wild.