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Movement times?

sw outdoor nut

New Member
I was just wondering if any of you have noticed if you are seeing more deer in the am right now or pm? I seen a lot of movement Sat morning, but nothing in afternoon. It seems when ever I hunt the deer do not move this year. Seen nice buck this am driving in area I hunt. I have tried to do everything right with wind, scent control, and entry to area, no luck. My time will come though /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif Thanks!
I've had hundreds of pre-season videos of deer movement from both 0700-0900 and 1745-1900. (All 6 cameras on travel routes) Does, fawns, dinks and shooters alike. Since the opener, I haven't seen much difference in does movement at all. The big boys have started moving later in the day (after 1900) and seem to be on their way back to bed earlier in the morning (a lot of movement toward bedding areas at pre-dawn.)

It's 0623 right now, I'm heading out in 10 min or so. This will be the first time i've sat this particular stand in the morning. We'll see what happens /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

....and you're right, your time will come.
Don't push it so hard just yet. In 2 weeks they will be on their feet all day. trying to hard this time of year can be frustrating and has potential to burn out both you and your stands.
Lot of things against us this past week, full moon, too many standing crops, foliage still on, mature bucks are still largely nocturnal....

This next week at least feeding patterns will be more in line with dusk and dawn as the moon phases begin to line up with those times.

Bucks will begin to use scrapes more heavily and become more active, leaves will begin to drop...hang in there, the best is yet to come...... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
I shot my buck last night at 5:30 p.m on the edge of an evergreen timber and hardwood timber. It is ment to be my rut stand but it worked out well this time.
You are not alone i've been out twice in my best stand and have yet to see a deer. Still early don't discourage yourself cause i now that it's easy to do. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
This was one of the hardest things for me to put into practice...and that was to make sure I was ready when the deer were...I used to go out too early, and then everyone in my family was sick of deer hunting and the deer really hadn't started to move. I now work hard at waiting, and it has really paid off.
Only shooters that I have seen have been well after shooting light.
None in the morning.
things were really slow up till this past week i seen two shooters and a fair amount of small bucks when do you think the rut will start i hope the end of this week i have off mon. tue and wed.
I finally seen a nice 8 or 10 ptr with some does this evening driving around an area I hunt. Drove a little more down the road and seen another nice buck. They are finally staring to move a little during daylight. Now if It could only happen while I am in the area with a bow nearby:)
I've seen several bubble bucks in the a.m. and some of those same bubbles plus a few shooters in the last half hour of p.m. so far. Movement has been picking up at both ends lately but still marginal.
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