Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Multiflora rose


I’m cutting trails in and around my multiflora rose. I’m finding very little bush honeysuckle. Basically enhancing existing trails with the intention of coming back in June and spraying my tail off from whatever I can reach from that trail. I have to use a weedeater with a saw blade because there’s so much tree tops to maneuver around. Long story short, will these 3 yr old saplings eventually out compete the MR? The MR is everywhere and pretty thick in areas. Thanks
I’m cutting trails in and around my multiflora rose. I’m finding very little bush honeysuckle. Basically enhancing existing trails with the intention of coming back in June and spraying my tail off from whatever I can reach from that trail. I have to use a weedeater with a saw blade because there’s so much tree tops to maneuver around. Long story short, will these 3 yr old saplings eventually out compete the MR? The MR is everywhere and pretty thick in areas. Thanks
I spray rosé with crossbow herbicide it does a good job & don’t kill grass .
Anyone ever use the stihl backpack fogger for spraying invasives? Just wondering about coverage and distance.
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