PMA Member
I also found this today. I believe it is an edible elephant ear but I am not sure. Anyone know for sure before I eat it...
You all suck with your morel finding! Except for Ristro, who sent me a very appreciated batch last year! :way:
Just trying to keep you happy AZ.![]()
I really would like to come on down Elk or Goulds hunting sometime. :drink1:
Seriously though no problem. That is what people do for other people.
Words can't even express how much that made my day last year! More than a decade without them and my wife liked them!! :way:
My door is always open, so come down anytime.
Trust me I will take you up on it.
You will have to let me know how to start applying for that Gould's tag.
Its expensive for a NR, since you have to buy a NR license every year whether or not you get drawn ($151.25 for the license + $77.75 for turkey tag). If you don't get drawn you will get all but $7.50 of your tag $$ back, plus you get a bonus point for the following year. If you don't get drawn, then you just get your NR license that you are stuck with and head down and we'll go get OTC archery tags and chase desert muley or Coue's whitetail and you can get drawn easy enough for javelina to make sure you get your money's worth of that NR license. :way: That mandatory license to enter the lottery is why none of my other friends/family come hunt with me. I hate that rule. :thrwrck:
PM sent, Risto, so we don't hijack the thread anymore. Sorry, fellas!![]()