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Muzzleloader help


New Member
I have shot several deer with my inline muzzy over the last two seasons all with similar results. The deer runs several hundred yards and looses very little blood. The shots have all been lung shots with an entrance, but no exit.

The damage inside the animal is substantial, but the lack of a blood trail is a big issue for me. I am shooting a 250 grain copper bullet with 120 grains of pellet. One of my hunting areas require copper.

Any suggestions on what I could do to get a blood trail to follow. Heavier bullet maybe?
I’ve been using PowerBelt bullets with 150 grains of Triple 7. I shoot AeroTip PowerBelt Copper 295 grain (50 cal), my dad likes the same bullets in hollow point, and my son shoots the AeroTip 300 grain Platinum. We all kill deer very effectively and quickly.
Shooting Barnes tez(blue) 250 grain. The internal damage is impressive, but no blood trail. I don't understand how those things can run so far with that much internal damage and not bleed.
Gavman I agree with Arrowhead. I've been shooting the TEZ 290gr they are awesome. 20150108_164312.jpg 20150108_164312.jpg
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