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Muzzy buck 2012


PMA Member
I got the call the other day that my muzzleloader buck from this year was done. I think he turned out great, what do you guys think?




The story is that I planned on passing this deer when he showed up in early October as I had two bigger bucks on camera. The biggest was lost to EHD and the other was ran down during second shotgun, literally too.

EHD Buck

2nd buck

I checked cameras after second season and saw this guy coming to my food plots. Thanks by the way Dbltree! This was the first year of doing plots so I had never harvested a deer off of a plot before. I couldn't pass this guy up.

The late season brought a ton of deer to dbltree's cereal/rye plot recommendation. So much that they were there nearly all day once the snow fell. The night I went I was waiting on my uncle to join me in the blind. I looked across at the plot and counted 8 deer already in the plot by the blind. I started up the ranger and pulled it out of the shed into sight of the deer. They ran off just before my uncle showed up. I told him to get in and we got out there as soon as we could. Actually ran about 150 yds from the ranger to the blind. I zipped the door shut and looked up to see a yearling had already made her way back into the plot.

After about five minutes there were eight deer in the plot. Soon the bucks starter coming in and getting bigger each time. I told my uncle that I didn't think I could pass the 9 pointer that had been coming to this plot and not five minutes after he came running into the plot from the timber. I got settled in and shot. The field cleared and he actually ran about 30 yds closer. The mad dash to reload was on... I had gloves on so I tried to get my uncle to put the primer cap on but he was shaking so bad that I had to take off my gloves and do it myself. The second shot dropped him in his tracks. It was pretty cool sharing the hunt with my uncle as he has really gotten into hunting since his kids have moved out of the house.

I was glad to be able to share the hunt with him to pay him back for coaching me every year in little league. As a current baseball coach I owe him more than just a memorable hunt for the time he gave me. I hope I can get him on a good buck in the years to come to keep paying him back. Great memory made with a special person to me. Wish I would have gotten someone to take our picture together with the deer.

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