I've been hunting this same property for 10-15 years both bow and shot gun, and had no idea this deer existed. I know there are big deer down there in southern Iowa and I have some real nice ones on camera. Wish I had this one. Four of us headed down to hunt the opening of first season shotgun. We had a new guy in the group who had never deer hunted before so I told him he could use my ground blind and that I would sit with him in the morning to give some pointers. The agreement was I had first option on any bucks the does were his if he wanted. The morning was real slow til about eight o'clock when a mature doe and her yearling doe came rushing in. I told him to take the big doe as he had an antlerless tag to fill and movement had been dismal. As he was getting ready I caught movement coming from the same direction as the does, saw antlers and knew it was a mature buck. I told him to wait as I was going to take the buck and shoot after I did. The buck came in and crossed my shooting lane stopping behind a tree. All I could see was from his midsection back but it was a huge body. Seemed like he stood there forever. I reminded the guy with me that the does would probably stay put for a second or two after the shot. The deer took two steps from behind the tree and was looking right at us, I took the shot. ( Forgot to mention I was using my knight disc.) After the smoke cleared there was no deer piled up, and I didn't hear the other guy shoot. I asked why not and he said there was too much smoke. He said the deer I shot at went to our left and that it was huge with points sticking everywhere. I knew it was a big deer but figured he may be off alittle as this was his first deer hunt. I honestly thought I probably missed since he was not there when the smoke cleared. He was broadside at 50-60 yrds. should have taken out both front shoulders. We thought we had heard him crash so I waited about 45 min to take a look. As most of you know deer shot with a muzzle loader don't bleed much at first, so I went the direction I heard the crash. went about 70-80 yrds and found him! Dreams do come true! The guy who was with me in the blind shot two does and is now a deer hunter for life.