wjs, i too want to thank you for informing us of what is going on, and to commend you for throwing yourself into the "lion's den", especially on suc a hot button issue...that being said...
the late season antlerless season, originally started as a special season, for the botom two tiers of counties, and has now spread to virtually the entire state. my county sold 805 of the 1500 antlerless tags they were allotted. no way in hell are these new options going to improve the doe numbers to what the DNR is being forced to try to implement.
lets look at this from a business aspect, since many DNR/legislators see deer in terms of $$$$. if you have a surplus of a product (deer) the way to sell more product (deer tags) is not to add more seasons. most of us are shooting more deer than we want as it is. the way to sell more tags, is to LOWER THE PRICE. if a non-resident wants to come shoot a doe in january, let them have the antlerless tag for the same price as residents. leave anysex tags at $26, and make the first doe tag (or 2) $11, and any tags after that $6.
if hunters, seen as the solution to this problem, have to help pay for the HUSH program (and it is NOT a $1 donation, if we HAVE to pay it). then where is a large donation from the insurance companies? they are the ones who have imagined this problem, and are the ones who will dirctly benefit if deer numbers are brougt down.
hunters are seen as the enemy for wanting to preserve the hunt quality we have, yet are the ones asked to shell out more money, kill more does, to solve a problem, we really don't see is as bad as we are told