Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

My biggest ever!


Life Member
This isn't the biggest framed deer I've ever gotten a picture of, but it's the highest gross scoring deer. The neighbor was lucky enough to harvest this buck over the weekend and he grossed 202 2/8. He had 21 scorable points! We believe this is the same buck over a three year period. Would love to hear your thoughts if it's the same deer. If it is, he blew up from last year!


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    Highland 11-8-12 002.jpg
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    Highland 8-13-12 018.jpg
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    Highland 8-21-12 001.jpg
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I double-clicked on them and they blew up fine. I don't know either way if that's the same buck. The left eye guard sure appears simular in all tree photos. Awesome buck!
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I think it's the same deer! Those brows hold very similar characteristics. You guys have always taken a great inventory of your herd, one of these days one of your true giants will make a mistake in front of one of you... rather than in front of one of the neighbors!
For sure the same deer. His right side brow tine is the same in all pics...which convinces me.

What a stud. Congrats to the lucky hunter.
Same deer,.............and a doozy at that. One of the coolest bucks I've seen posted all year.
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