I am lucky enough to have been born in the greatest state(IOWA) for killing big whitetails. I am also lucky enough to have hunting rights to ground all over the state( sw iowa, south centra,l central, and northeast) In my opinion southern iowa is the number 1 spot in the state for a chance to kill a true monster. What I am afraid of is that there have been too many does killed in the last few years. I drive around in the afternoons like most of you do and it is sad to say that I see far less deer in southern iowa than I do in central iowa. The county I live in(Butler) has less than 10 boone and crockett deer ever killed out of it. They give away very few doe tags but yet I see way more deer than most southern iowa counties. It is nothing to drive around at night and see 50-75 deer over a 5 mile stretch. I drive around some areas down south and see maybe 5-10 deer in an hour of driving. I guess what I am getting at is PLEASE USE COMMON SENSE. When people are walking around in late january trying to shoot does with high powers and they arent seeing any deer and they complain about it. Step back and look at what you are doing. That is the exact reason why you arent seeing very many deer. Deer hunting is a lot of things to this state. There is a lot of money in it no matter how you look at it. Lets not let the state win by giving out huge amounts of doe tags so that we buy them and they make money off of it wether or not we kill a deer. If the deer arent out there then dont try to kill the ones that are. Instead let the herd grow again. Look back at land prices. I know the economy has to do with the recent fall of prices but look at what ground prices were in the mid 90's. The economy was good rec ground in Iowa was cheap and there was an abundance of deer. Then people satrted realizing that Iowa grew some big deer and they wanted to own ground there. All of the sudden rec ground goes up 3-4 times the amount it was selling for and people made some good money selling or they just felt good that they had some valuable ground. Now we are getting into an economy that is bad and also low deer numbers in the nations number one hotspot to kill deer. I am sure that is gonna put a huge damper on land value for sure. Now I know I am gonna repeat what a lot of people have already said but I think if we drill it in enough people will start to understand. We dont have to rely on the state to do something about it we have to do it ourselves. Just because the doe tags are out there doesnt mean we have to buy them. I think if we all take the time and realize what is best for our properties and the wildlife on them then we can get the deer numbers back up where there is good hunting and maybe it will keep the rec ground prices up there just a bit too.