Blaster, if this is the first time you have heard this, then you have never read one of my posts. I live east of Floris and can say with absolutely no uncertainty that our deer numbers are far lower than when I moved onto this farm in 1994!! Every one knows that I have been saying these kinds of things for several years and many of the things I predicted 2 or 3 years ago are now coming true. The total harvest for this year was only 136,497 deer with nearly 400,000 licenses sold. If there actually were WAY too many deer wouldn't that ratio been much higher? Let's just look at Davis county for a minute. In 2006 the total kill for Davis co was 3170 deer and for 2009 it was 3136, but the interesting fact is that in 2006 there were only 1054 does killed but in 2009 there were 1818 killed. That points out a couple of things to me. 1. There are too many people coming down to Davis co to hunt with rifles during the January season. 2. That there are too many does being killed to sustain a good quality herd given the amount of food and habitat available in the county. I have hunted in Davis and Van Buren counties for 35 years and saw fewer deer this year than in almost any year in the past, and I don't see it getting any better in the near future.
Lets try to put this in perspective. If you had a cow herd with 200 animals in it with about half being cows and half being bulls and you are told that to keep the herd healthy you needed to reduce it by about half, how would you do it. Of those 100 animals would you sell 60 cows and 40 bulls or would you look at it differently if you wanted to continue raising cows for quite a few years. I think most of you would keep 20 bulls from the original 200 animals and sell the other 80 bulls and 20 cows to make the 100 animal reduction and have a reproduction stock that would keep you in the cattle business. You certainly would not sell over 60 percent of cows with the mistaken idea that you were creating a more healthy herd. WHY SHOULDN'T WE DO THE SAME THING WITH THE DEER HERD? :thrwrck:
I really dislike hearing phrases like Way too many deer, or A ton of deer, or There are more deer that you think because I see them in fields. How many deer are actually living on your uncle's farm? Do you know or just making a generalization based on what you have heard or might have observes in a food source field. The IDNR doesn't know how many deer we have in the state so how can any one say we have Way too many deer? I have never felt that we have Way too many so who gets to make that determination for me? We all know that especially this time of year that the deer tend to concentrate on food sources so the 50 deer you see in a 5 mile drive might just be the only ones 10 square miles. Since 1994 I have driven either to Bloomfield or Fairfield leaving home at 7Am and returning home at 6:30 PM. That is about 60 miles per day at prime times of the day to see deer in the fall and winter and I do see a few deer but not many. I drive country roads, blacktop roads and highways so I am exposed to deer country in Davis, Wapello, and Jefferson counties and I say there are NOT ENOUGHT deer so who is right? The IDNR has stated that their population goal is only 170,000 animals state wide. That means that if we harvest 40 percent we only have a harvest of 68,000 animals. Is that what any one really wants? Go tell the hunters in Grundy county, who only killed 88 total deer for the whole county in 2009 that they need to cut their harvest numbers by 60 percent next year so that we will have a healthier deer herd in Iowa.
Oops, got up too much steam!:grin: