My first 12 point buck How to post a picture


I shot a nice 12 pointer monday night and took some photos was wondering how to post, He has a green score gross of 156 2/8ths but will net much less with deductions. It was the first time I have seen the buck since this summer and showed up at about 7yds so I could not resist and shot him through the lungs!!
Send your photo to the website and they will take care of it for you. Or if your ambitious, do a search on posting pictures and I'm sure something will come up. Congrats on your buck!

Here we go guys and gals, definitely worth the wait, what a beauty.

Congrats Jake on your great buck!




I continue to be amazed by these Iowa giants.

The photo galleries are amazing also.

Iowa has to be the Mecca of whitetails, consider yourself fortunate to live in a state that's managed well and has good soil.
Wow.....nice deer! Kinda neat to see the snow on the bright green grass.

Good luck and good hunting!

Net score doesn't mean a thing to me, unless you're talking about a potential 190+ typical. Even the big non-typs, who cares what the main frame nets?

What you have there is a 150 class character deer of the highest order, what I wouldn't give to arrow a buck with matching split G2's!

Congrats on a great Iowa whitetail.
Oops I guess it's the G2 on the left and G3 on the right that are split.....even better!
WHAT A BUCK!!!!I bet he made your heart skip a few beat's.A guy do's not get a whole lot that are that big.
Congratulation's Jake!
What great photos. Sometimes I think great photos are better than the mount. The snow, grass, the river in the background..absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations on some memories that will last a lifetime.