Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

My First 200 Class Bow Buck

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That is a buck of a lifetime! Congratulations! Glad you were able to find him, that would have made a guy sick not recovering him! Way to go!
I saw the pics on my phone and commented. I just had to look again on my computer. Every hunter dreams about bucks like this one. Congrats!
Thanks for all the comments guys! I appreciate it. Years of patience and hard work finally paid off. I consider myself pretty lucky and fortunate for sure. I'll be lucky to ever even see one of that size from a distance again in my lifetime. Wishing you all success this year and years to come!
Great buck man! It sucks that the yotes got to him before you were able to recover. Would of been an awesome cape, nobody else noticed the double throat patch!!!!!??????
Great buck man! It sucks that the yotes got to him before you were able to recover. Would of been an awesome cape, nobody else noticed the double throat patch!!!!!??????

I did...would have been sweet to have the double throat patch for sure. Even sweeter to have the meat. I was happy to recover him though.

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