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My First Bow Deer and Bow Buck!

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It was great to get out after my surgery and shoot a Buck with my Bow! A week after surgery I'm doing this. Hah, I must really like this sport to do it. My ankle is hurting a little though.
Congrats on your first bow buck. I bet that feels pretty good.
Have to admit....that "Baby Baby Ohhh" comment almost put me on the floor. Glad you are a good sport about it.
Nice work! You will never forget that deer. Too bad you lost most of the meat, but glad you found him. I had yotes tear into a doe 1 hour after I left my stand. Came back with my son to teach him how to track (I saw her go down, so I knew where she was). When I got back, she had a huge hole in her already.
How'd you hit the ground and then hit the buck in the leg and then hit him in the vitals?? Just curious. First deer stories are always interesting. Congrats again.
LoessHillsArcher said:
How'd you hit the ground and then hit the buck in the leg and then hit him in the vitals?? Just curious. First deer stories are always interesting. Congrats again.

He was in a corn field and I asummed he was at 20 yards and I found out he was at 27 yards and it was low. It was so weird! I'm a lucky guy for that to happen.
Just like calling your shot in Pool. Off the ground, up the leg, and into the vitals.. Just like how you draw it up in practice. I think we need to take a vote on you changing your handle to "Biebs"... If anything we need to get that on Sports Sound off "Look-a-likes"...

Nice Job.. That's a great story for a first buck..
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