I had asked for some advice this past spring when I decided to try bowhunting and got some great responses so I thought I would share my success story now! I got my first deer ever tuesday night, in my parent's backyard in
town. (bowhunting is legal within city limits) I had been seeing some big bucks that would come right to the edge
of the woods but wouldn't step out into the open so I asked my hubby to
bring over a decoy to try so the other night he finally did. You can see the
setup in the picture, the decoy was to the right of the stand last night.
I had to wait for my dad to get home to watch my son so I didn't get
into the tree until about 4:30. 10 minutes later some does came out and
didnt know what to think of the decoy so they turned and headed up the
hill towards the cornfield.
I was watching them (standing like in the pic) when I heard a
noise behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw a buck beneath
me-he must have cut across right along the fence!-I twisted around, drew
back and had about 2 seconds to decide if I wanted to shoot or not before
he got into the thick stuff by the decoy. I knew he was wide and
figured I would never live it down if my dad happened to be watching out the
window and saw me let him go so I let the arrow fly. He ran about 50
yards and went down in the trees. When my hubby came in from scouting he had heard me
shoot (my bow is not the quietest one out there) and wanted to know how
big he was and where I hit him but it all happened so fast that I really
didn't know! He walked along the tree line and found a lot of blood
but we figured we better wait awhile before we went after him.
So after a couple of hours we went to the woods and found him-and the
coyotes had already tore him up pretty good-we loaded him up on the six
wheeler and parked him between the garage and the house and in the morning they (or some
other creature) had pulled him off! So I am more than a little
disturbed by that and my son is no longer allowed to play outside the fenced
in part of the yard. So anyway, he is not the biggest buck out there
and I actually think I passed on him earlier but he seems to be pretty old and is a good "cull buck" as my hubby
referred to him. My son still calls him "big buck" just like he does all the big ones on the hunting shows so that makes me feel good. So I am already all pumped up
for next year! Now I need to get out there and get some
does. I apologize for the finger in some of the pics-my husband
hasn't quite mastered picture-taking yet, probably why there are not
many pics around w/me in them!
This is my first time trying to post pics so hopefully they come through-otherwise they are the only photos in my profile.
town. (bowhunting is legal within city limits) I had been seeing some big bucks that would come right to the edge
of the woods but wouldn't step out into the open so I asked my hubby to
bring over a decoy to try so the other night he finally did. You can see the
setup in the picture, the decoy was to the right of the stand last night.
I had to wait for my dad to get home to watch my son so I didn't get
into the tree until about 4:30. 10 minutes later some does came out and
didnt know what to think of the decoy so they turned and headed up the
hill towards the cornfield.
I was watching them (standing like in the pic) when I heard a
noise behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw a buck beneath
me-he must have cut across right along the fence!-I twisted around, drew
back and had about 2 seconds to decide if I wanted to shoot or not before
he got into the thick stuff by the decoy. I knew he was wide and
figured I would never live it down if my dad happened to be watching out the
window and saw me let him go so I let the arrow fly. He ran about 50
yards and went down in the trees. When my hubby came in from scouting he had heard me
shoot (my bow is not the quietest one out there) and wanted to know how
big he was and where I hit him but it all happened so fast that I really
didn't know! He walked along the tree line and found a lot of blood
but we figured we better wait awhile before we went after him.
So after a couple of hours we went to the woods and found him-and the
coyotes had already tore him up pretty good-we loaded him up on the six
wheeler and parked him between the garage and the house and in the morning they (or some
other creature) had pulled him off! So I am more than a little
disturbed by that and my son is no longer allowed to play outside the fenced
in part of the yard. So anyway, he is not the biggest buck out there
and I actually think I passed on him earlier but he seems to be pretty old and is a good "cull buck" as my hubby
referred to him. My son still calls him "big buck" just like he does all the big ones on the hunting shows so that makes me feel good. So I am already all pumped up
for next year! Now I need to get out there and get some
does. I apologize for the finger in some of the pics-my husband
hasn't quite mastered picture-taking yet, probably why there are not
many pics around w/me in them!
This is my first time trying to post pics so hopefully they come through-otherwise they are the only photos in my profile.