My first timelapse


PMA Member
Maybe this should go in trail cams? Wasn't sure where to put it so mods can move it where they think it should go..

I've been studying timelapse photography and excited to try my hand at some different shots. Wasn't much for clouds yesterday (or so I thought), but man, a lot happens in a 30 minute stretch.

Edited this yesterday and this is how it came out...excited to use these in our next DVD next year! Can't wait to do more!

About 30 minutes crunched down to about 13 seconds.
Enjoy...tutorials at some point if enough people are interested.

This one is called "The Holy Grail" of timelapses...obviously I need a little work with the fading light as I adjusted the ISO once during the video and you can blatantly see it in the middle...
Nice, what kind of camera did you shoot that with? I have been playing with the same stuff with my GoPros and my new Sony Alpha 65. Not only were the clouds moving the camera looked to be turning to the right. Keep up the good work.
Nice, what kind of camera did you shoot that with? I have been playing with the same stuff with my GoPros and my new Sony Alpha 65. Not only were the clouds moving the camera looked to be turning to the right. Keep up the good work.

Canon 6D. Just capturing about a photo every 3 seconds for about 20-30 minutes and then crunching them together.