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My late season spot & stalk buck


New Member
Got this guy morning of Dec. 10th:
I sat in my stand that morning without seeing much, so I decided to leave and check out a few ridges where deer like to bed. With 8" of fresh snow on the ground it was a great morning for spot and stalk/still hunt.

I made my way along a ridge and spotted 10-12 does directley below me. Not seeing any bucks, but thinking there should be, I swung down out of sight and wind to get a look from a different angle. I came over the top of the ridge again and spotted him bedded behind the does 80yds from me. The does started to move along the bottom bringing the buck out of his bed to follow. I new there were two draws that came out of the same bottom further down the ridge so I slipped off the ridge top to try and intercept them.

After working my way about 200 yds along the ridge the first few does came out in front of me at 25 yds unaware I was there. I waited for the buck. When he showed up he held back and decided not to follow the does through the wide opening in the brush, but instead head back into the draw he just came out of. When he went behind a tree I drew my bow, stood up, and anchored. He stepped out quartering away hard @ 35 yds I sent the arrow behind his ribs and forward into the vitals. He ran up the other side of the draw and stopped for a moment before walking off. I gave him an hour and started tracking him. he made it 150 yds and piled up on a deer trail he was following.

131 3/8" 4x4 with 19" inside spread.

Not bad for a late season public land buck that's made it through 2 1/2 months of archery season and 3 weeks of rifle season.


Congrats on a great harvest,
I like how that rack is heavy all the way through.
Brad, great looking deer. That looks like one of two public land spots I can think of... I know those areas get hit pretty hard too, which just goes to show how good of a hunt it must have been.
Brad, great looking deer. That looks like one of two public land spots I can think of... I know those areas get hit pretty hard too, which just goes to show how good of a hunt it must have been.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Pressure" in this area isn't the word for it. Have you hunted the area before?

Thanks all for the comments!
I've never hunted public land, but I've been down to a few public spots this time of year hiking and photographing. Some beautiful areas, but I have heard it gets hit hard.

I seem to hear every year of a couple of nice ones being taken out of NH, but so far this year I've only measured one 155" buck from there.
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