Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

My Other Passion....(pics added)

Re: My Other Passion.......pics added

Looks like fun.. I dont think I could handle being under the water that long.. We do combat water survival every month in the Red Sea and part of the stuff we have to do is a dead mans float... I probably hold my breath for an average of 10 seconds (pathetic, i know) before lifting my head for more air. I'm not afraid of water or afraid to swim.. but, I dont know if my body panics or what.. Just sitting here I can hold my breath for over a minute pretty easy.
Re: My Other Passion.......pics added

That's freakin sweet T!!! I have got to try that someday. Do those guns have much kick to em, and are they a pain to reload under water?
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