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My response to SF 18

Mr. Whitetail,
Now that your state is obviously problem-free because you have all the solutions, I suggest you run for IA governor because you know our state so well... Oh, that's right you'd have to be a resident and then someone would have to want to listen to you. Thanks for the input.

Nice job on the e-mail.Thank you.

I oppose the changes, and will vote NO. However, I doubt the bill will even be brought out.

Senator Dennis Black

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Hamlin [mailto:swhamlin@netins.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 7:49 PM
To: Black, Dennis
Subject: Senate File 18

Dear Mr. Black,

As a life long Iowa Resident outdoorsman I am not in favor of the changes proposed in Senate File 18.

Many of the Iowa Resident outdoorsman are very concerned about the impact of Iowa land purchased strictly for recreation by outside interests. It is very disturbing to see the trends in other states where land is being controlled by non resident owners. I would rather see the State of Iowa purchase more available land that can be utilized by all outdoorsman residents and non residents a like.

I feel increasing Non Residents tag numbers and giving more opportunities to Non Resident land owners further jeopardizes the future of the Resident outdoorsman's access to the State of Iowa's resources.

I know you have a lot of more serious issues to deal with this year, but I do appreciate your taking the time to view my concerns on this one.


Scott Hamlin
Van Horne, Iowa

(I have received some very polite and political replys to my letters. Naw leds aw go back to da yod and leen up agin the ol pickop an hab a snort
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