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My turnips


Man when are they gonna start eating those things. There have been munchin on some greens but not touching any of the bulbs yet. I have turnips the size of mini basketballs out there, cant wait to see the holes in the ground soon!! Looks like it is going to be awhile though. When can I expect them to start eating them, this is my first year with them.
January, from what I've heard.

Unfortunately, if they haven't eaten them yet, they probably won't until the weather gets severely bad...or season ends, which ever comes first.

Check the last few pages of the brassica thread for an option that has worked for me where deer hadn't eaten the tops of brassicas or even the roots in the past.

All about brassicas

You also might consider planting some other things like winter rye and peas that few deer can pass up...;)
Mine got pounded in late October early November. The deer on my property always love the turnips. They pull them out and eat the entire plant. I will plant turnips every year.

This year I planted a little late, about August 25th, right before it didn't rain for 2 weeks in southern Iowa. So the bulbs didn't get real big, nothing bigger than a baseball and most the size of a golf ball.
Each year it gets better and better .. my results in the last 4 Years

First Year - Mid to late December
Year 2 - Mid November
Year 3 - Mid October
Year 4 - Mid September

These are times when deer are readily eating both tops and bulbs and of course the later it gets the more concentrated they focus on the plot ... and the more turnips I have to plant :grin:
PYBUCKS, I too planted mine in very southern part of Iowa and I planted them on about the 19 of July and they turned out fabulous. They have eaten lots of the tops but no bulbs I am hoping by mid December I see some being eaten.
Mine were pretty much gone by Nov. I heard they would not eat them till later. Someone forgot to tell the deer.:)
Last year was my first year planting them and they didn't get touched and rotted, which was fun to rake up this spring (and a lot of work too). This year however they were grazed heavily from the get go when they were getting some size in September. Its just hit or miss with those things but from what I've heard once they get a taste for them, they're irresistable.
I've had the same results as most of you. The first year i planted them the deer ignored them until there was a good amount of snow. I ended up shooting a good buck coming to the turnips in the evening during late season muzzleloader. The following years the turnips were gone before shotgun season!
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