Don’t think the legislatures & special interests are taking December off! Actually- they’ve been working on this since it got sidelined last year. The bill is written and it will resurface right on cue.
Lemme ask one question of anyone on the “other side” of this issue..... those for it..... explain to me how this creates OPPORTUNITY not available now for hunters of Iowa?
As it sits: pistols, bows, crossbows, short walled rifles, shotguns & muzzleloaders. Encompassing sept 15 to January 10 (4 months or 1/3rd the year): Youth season, archery season, early muzzleloader, gun 1, gun 2 & late ML. (& now into late January with late antlerless season yet again - for cwd reasons. )
A common sense & rationale explanation how in the Iowa - RIFLES - will create “more opportunity” for fellow hunters or even a great case of why we need to add them is ok!???????!??
*I’ll even add what I believe the opportunity REALLY is- it’s an opportunity to prop up gun sales - PERIOD. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!! Special interests in bed with politicians. It might be an opportunity for a politician to appear to be “pro-gun” as foolish as this may be. That’s the true opportunity being driven home here.
Lemme ask one question of anyone on the “other side” of this issue..... those for it..... explain to me how this creates OPPORTUNITY not available now for hunters of Iowa?
As it sits: pistols, bows, crossbows, short walled rifles, shotguns & muzzleloaders. Encompassing sept 15 to January 10 (4 months or 1/3rd the year): Youth season, archery season, early muzzleloader, gun 1, gun 2 & late ML. (& now into late January with late antlerless season yet again - for cwd reasons. )
A common sense & rationale explanation how in the Iowa - RIFLES - will create “more opportunity” for fellow hunters or even a great case of why we need to add them is ok!???????!??
*I’ll even add what I believe the opportunity REALLY is- it’s an opportunity to prop up gun sales - PERIOD. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!! Special interests in bed with politicians. It might be an opportunity for a politician to appear to be “pro-gun” as foolish as this may be. That’s the true opportunity being driven home here.