Need Deer Liver or Heart... not kidding...

good luck with your new venture I can tell you first hand that it works. It takes a lot of time and training but it is worth it. Biggest piece of advise I can give you is tell the people in advance not to look for the deer before you get there seems to work better if it is a fresh trail with no human disturbance
I recently sent letters to Roger Lande and Tom Litchfield about blood trailing with a leashed dog (I'm color blind like Packnasty, which makes blood trailing for me very difficult). Here is his reply:

Dear Randy,

Thank you for taking the time to provide with your comments and information. I checked into the status of the petition to change this administrative rule and I was informed that it hasn’t “died”. It is currently moving through the Natural Resource Commission (NRC) process and language for the potential new rule is expected to be released for public comment over the upcoming months. Public comments will be collected (there should be a news release at this stage from the DNR) and then the NRC will vote on it. I was informed that the process will be completed before the start of the 2011 deer seasons. I expect that public comments on the change will play a significant part in the decision reached by the NRC.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions, please feel free to contact me if you think I may be of further assistance.



I know some will oppose such a measure because they might think that some people might let dogs loose to stir up deer during shotgun season. I think that is going to be a very low number, and wording in the regulation that the dog must remain on leash at all times will help CO's (if that wording is included, I haven't seen the proposed regs).

On a related note, I have 4 neighbors, two south, two north, each has a dog (a hound, a couple of lab like and a German Shepard'ish). I get tons of pics of their dogs on my property all year long. I'm trying to be a good neighbor and not tell them to keep their dogs tied/penned and I definitely will not SSS (not the dogs fault the owner lets them run). I've also had "coyote dogs" come coursing over my property as I was out late muzzy hunting. I don't think the dog issue can get any worse for me...... :mad:
I think the blood tracking dog is a good thing. I know two years ago I really could have used one.

As for your dog problem yes it is the owners fault but letting it continue it will only get worse. I know of plenty of farm dogs that stay home.