Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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We had our 1 1/2 year old Drathaar stolen on Saturday, December 16 from our home in Wellman. He had a camoflauge colar and Quad county vet clinic Rabies tag on it. He also has tattoo in his ear for identification. Our kids are completely bummed out, and it couldn't come at a worse time over Christmas.
I would appreciate any info if you know of someone who could have possibly taken him. Thanks to everyone and have a better Christmas than our family.....
Tracker, sorry to hear about this, I am not to far north of you, if I see or hear anything I will let you know. I hope you catch the SOBs and get your pup back.
Was he taken from an outdoor kennel? That is terrible, sorry to hear that. I have a shorthair that means the world to me. There is a GSP rescue in Muscatine that I would call so they know to look for him. I'll be checking every dogs ear that resembles him. I hope everything works out.
Thanks for taking attention to this...we can use all the help we can get. We've done everything we can think of to try to get Bently home!
Thanks again and Happy Holidays!
Just curious? how did it happen. Makes me nervous about our labs... Good luck hopefully he turns up!!!
He patrols our ground. Someone could have easily coaxed him into a truck. He would have thought he was going to go hunt.
Our ground is just west of Wellman, I'll keep my eyes peeled as I'm in the area all the time. Good luck on finding him that's one of the lowest things a person can do.
Sorry, to hear about your family's dog.
We are a ways away from you, but who knows. Atleast we know what to look for and call the name by.
Good luck in getting him back, hopefully he just chased something and will return. If this could be the case lay out a sweatshirt or clothing that is heavy scented of you in areas that he could have ventured off in. Have had my own shorthair come back days later laying on top of one. I hope for you, that is all it is.
Man thats crap....who would steal a dog, especially around christmas time. i hope you find your pup...and find the thugs that took him......
make them pay
I`ll be near Joetown,ML hunting this weekend
and My parents live there. will have them keep an eye out too. That bites someone would take your dog.
I hope you get him back!!! Plenty of Pound Puppy's around for FREE and they steal a family PET!!
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