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Need opinions! mad as heck!


Active Member
I have two seperate 40 acre farms that butt up together that I've hunted for 10 years. The farmer of one 40 gave permission to a new hunter 2 years ago. He set up stands within 50 yards of my stands and likes to sit in a couple of my permanent wooden stands. He likes to walk in right around sunrise and the last hour of light. We pulled our hang on stands and hunt that 40 alot less now. However we do still park on that 40 to get to the other 40. Last week he approached the second farmer asking for permission to hunt. They told him to call and talk to me to see if it was ok. Not being my land I told him I did not really care. Now he is telling me I can not park where we have always parked. I went to both farmers explaining the situation and was nervous about stirring drama as we all know what can happen. I was told by both farmers that I had seniority and he would have to move on if he didn't like it. Well today he tells me that if we park in the field we are going to have trouble because I am disrespecting him. I just wanted to punch this punk right in the face.(but I did not) Now he has called the farmers crying and I think they are about to just do the unthinkable and give us both the boot.:thrwrck:
im sort of in the same boat. ive pretty much had sole access to a 40acre section that butts up to public on one side and another large section of timber i also have timber for along with the landowners family. ive been trying to stay out of the large timber do to the fact i dont want to many people in there sitting on top of each other and dont want to step on any toes so i can shotgun season 2 hunt it when they go 1st season.

this year after planting a small throw and gro food plot and setting 3 cameras and 2 stands in various areas around the 40 acre patch i find out that 2 others were giving permission to hunt it also. this year was the worst year for seeing deer in the small section. 3 weeks ago i started sitting in the large section and deer numbers were back to normal which i figured. i have caught one guy on the camera multple times through out the season. a few nights ago i pulled cards adn noticed 2 guys, one with camo and bow, one without. figuring the worst i went the next day and walked the timber. 50yds from my stand i find trail markers going away from it. call the land owner to find out one of the other guys had a pore shot one a decent buck and never recovered it. pretty sure he has been using my stand all season. (ive noticed my bow hanger in a different position then i left it)
Depends how bad you want to hunt the farms. If you know they are good spots then I would park in a different spot. Last thing you want to do is lose 80 acres of land to hunt on unless the hunting is not so great.
If the farmers told you that seniority is yours, I'd tell the other guy to get lost. If you've hunted the land for 10 years I would assume you have good favor with the owners and its obvious this other guy is the problem. Hope it doesn't turn out that you lose your right as well.
I would count yourself blessed to have 80 acres of private land to hunt. That's about 80 acres of private land more than the majority of deer hunters in Iowa. I would say that you could swallow your pride, put on your big boy panties and park in a different spot. Otherwise I'd probably side with the landowners if the kicked you both off the land.
I would talk to both farmers and explain to them that there was not any problems when you were the only one there. Then I would think it would be an easy decision for them on what to do.
I would count yourself blessed to have 80 acres of private land to hunt. That's about 80 acres of private land more than the majority of deer hunters in Iowa. I would say that you could swallow your pride, put on your big boy panties and park in a different spot. Otherwise I'd probably side with the landowners if the kicked you both off the land.

I would hold your ground, talk to the landowners, and tell the punk to beat it. If you've been hunting that farm that long, there has to be some form of relationship with the other farms/landowners. Not to mention the farmer told you prior to the other guy getting permission that it was your call. Well stand your ground and tell the other guy whats up. Fairly simple, leave the middle man out (the landowner) and just confront the other person. If he doesn't like it let him go cry and moan to the land owner. Its only going to make himself look bad and I'd assume most land owners would just tell him its not working, go find a new piece of land. Seen it done to guys before. Doesn't seem to hard to see who the problem is in the situation, I think the landowner will be able to see it as well. Good luck, hope things work out for ya.
I feel you. I've heard permission on a small piece right next to home that is only 17 acres, its becoming a suburban area. Very small peice of ground but use to be loaded with deer(bordering property is being developed). I originally was the only one with permission. Couple years ago a guy who hunts a bordering property asked the landowner if he could access his stand through the 17 I had permission on. No big deal right? Well last year he asked for permission to hunt on the 17 too, he got it. He hunted one side, I hunted the other. I use a ground blind as it is small saplings and think brush mostly. Guess where he puts his stand this year?? In a small tree directly above my blind!!! I've pretty much given up on that property.
I thought I was in the same boat as you. I got permission on some ground from a family friend. I asked him, he said ok, and as soon as I turned to walk away with excitement, he sneaks in a, "oh ya theres another guy who also hunts this ground", Good thing was I new the guy, got his number and we exchanged a schedule and strategies to hunt the ground. Hes cool, and we share our scouting and what not. Luckily he hunts more down in Villisca when the rut is on, which leaves me more time to hunt this ground we both have permission for. Idk what to tell you, b/c bottom line you have permission. The guy obviously doesnt give a shi#*@ about what you think. Whats he going to do if you park in a certain spot? Vandalize your vehicle, or get physical. Pleaaaaase... If he pulls crap, be smart contact the authorities. It's bad enough around my area, that people tell me that I don't have permission to hunt my Dad's and Uncles ground. Permission is what YOU got, screw what somebody else does or thinks, b/c there not the landowner. Srry about the venting, just hate stupid people lol
Booner said:
I would hold your ground, talk to the landowners, and tell the punk to beat it. If you've been hunting that farm that long, there has to be some form of relationship with the other farms/landowners. Not to mention the farmer told you prior to the other guy getting permission that it was your call. Well stand your ground and tell the other guy whats up. Fairly simple, leave the middle man out (the landowner) and just confront the other person. If he doesn't like it let him go cry and moan to the land owner. Its only going to make himself look bad and I'd assume most land owners would just tell him its not working, go find a new piece of land. Seen it done to guys before. Doesn't seem to hard to see who the problem is in the situation, I think the landowner will be able to see it as well. Good luck, hope things work out for ya.

X2. This is only the beginning. He will be wanting to shed hunt and everything else the more years he has access to the property. Not telling you to be mean or unethical about it, but you could maybe try to deploy some tactics that make hunting frustrating for him and maybe he will get fed up and move on.
X2. This is only the beginning. He will be wanting to shed hunt and everything else the more years he has access to the property. Not telling you to be mean or unethical about it, but you could maybe try to deploy some tactics that make hunting frustrating for him and maybe he will get fed up and move on.

Only part I agree with on this is leaving the landowners out of it.

Only you know how good your relationship is with the landowners. And judging by your post saying you think they could be thinking about kicking you both to the curb. I would try to leave them out of it.

Talk with him, in person would be best, and try to work out a relationship and hunt strategy that will work. Trying to frustrate or ruin someone elses hunt will never work.

It will just be done by both sides and the hunting will suck for both of you.

Bad situation, but like most have experienced in the past, nothing is forever with private land permission. If its all you got, you should really think about strengthening the relationship with the landowners so you have more than "seniority" will another hunter asks for permission. Volunteer you help, send thank you / x-mas cards, give them gifts to show your appreciation, etc.
Kick his A$$ C-Bass, sorry couldn't help myself. that really sucks. kind of have a similar situation. I hunt family ground and the neighbors think they need to hunt when they all have land bordering all but on side that is crop land for ever. had them walk thru with the wind trying to spot and stalk (yeah real smart). last year saw a guy hang a climber and put out a decoy across the feild where i was about 100 yards where all the deer came out. he started hitting the grunt call 50 times in a row at every deer that came out. waited right before i knew the deer where coming out and walked straight across the field to my truck. drove around the block back to said field and proceeded to chew a chunk out of that guy. found out it was the neighbor. didn't get the hint and was back 2 days later and got to watch me arrow my buck! so i got the last laugh :D
I am amazed that some of you feel I should just let this new guy walk all over me. Letting him hunt my stands and moving others that he sat stands right next to should be more than a fair compromise. For him to now threaten me if I don't park somewhere else has crossed the line. I have a great relationship with the landowners. However I know they do not have time for whining bow hunters. The quick simple fix would be to just boot us both. I have other land to hunt, so I would not be sol. He however has only this land. He knows this and feels I should let him have this farm to himself. I would have to guess he voted for obama. REDISTRIBUTION AND ENTITLEMENT!
beat his ass!but make shure you get his plate number!we all know where this is headed.that piece o'sh*#!probly same guy i hate north of perry.
Scouted this property a little during 1st season shotgun. Found his salt/mineral blocks set up 20 yds from his stands and blinds. I will never get along with this tool!
vrod said:
Scouted this property a little during 1st season shotgun. Found his salt/mineral blocks set up 20 yds from his stands and blinds. I will never get along with this tool!

That sounds like a good one to bring up to the landowner. Rather than a " whinny" hunter complaining you would be a law abiding hunter informing the landowner that the new guy is hunting illegally. My go over a little better.
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