I have two seperate 40 acre farms that butt up together that I've hunted for 10 years. The farmer of one 40 gave permission to a new hunter 2 years ago. He set up stands within 50 yards of my stands and likes to sit in a couple of my permanent wooden stands. He likes to walk in right around sunrise and the last hour of light. We pulled our hang on stands and hunt that 40 alot less now. However we do still park on that 40 to get to the other 40. Last week he approached the second farmer asking for permission to hunt. They told him to call and talk to me to see if it was ok. Not being my land I told him I did not really care. Now he is telling me I can not park where we have always parked. I went to both farmers explaining the situation and was nervous about stirring drama as we all know what can happen. I was told by both farmers that I had seniority and he would have to move on if he didn't like it. Well today he tells me that if we park in the field we are going to have trouble because I am disrespecting him. I just wanted to punch this punk right in the face.(but I did not) Now he has called the farmers crying and I think they are about to just do the unthinkable and give us both the boot.:thrwrck: