Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Need Pedestal mount ideas!!


I shot a 5 1/2 year old bruiser this year and i need some pedestal mount ideas. if you could post pictures of yours it would be greatly appreciated. he went 160 1/8 on a 16 1/5 inch inside spread. lowest circumfrence measurement was 4 3/4. 16 scoreable points. i had been chasing him for 2 years. shot him on the 23 of october.:grin::grin::grin::grin:
Pedestal mount sounds like a good plan for that one ... sorry I can't help with any pics/ideas though. AWESOME BUCK, CONGRATS!!! :way:

There are some great peds in the mckenzie taxidemy catalog. You can buy them or if you're handy "borrow" the ideas and make one yourself. They have an online catalog on their website or you could have a catalog shipped from their website or go to a taxidermist and look through theirs. Any of the peds I've seen on this site look pretty much exactly like ones out of the catalog, just members made themthemselves.
thanks maher2215 i was thinkin of doing something very simular. he summered in a fingure with switchgrass around it and hung out in the crp alot. i was thinkin using switch and cutting down one of the old fence posts out there for him to hang on. i was also goin to put his sheds underneath him. is that real switch grass or did you buy it?
Real switch grass stuck into foam stuff. Used fake moss and sticks to cover the bottom. A fence post with barb wire or something hanging off would look great as well. Good luck!
Beautiful buck! Like Muddy said, you can get great ideas from McKenzie's web site and then make or have someone make you one. Fence posts are plentiful and they make awesome pedistals. Congrats again.
My brother built me a pedestal out barn board. It's dimensions at the top looks like home plate so it can sit nicely in a corner.
Nice deer. Congrats!.. Here's one I did myself. I think I've posted it on here like 2 or 3 times already... Someone usually always asks for pedestal mount ideas at least once a year.
It was my first mount that I did and I'm pretty proud of it :way:

I took the fence and post from an old beat up fence around my grandmas field.

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