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Need rain bad

Planted my brassicas on Sunday and since then have had close to 7 inches of rain here in SE Iowa. Will they be alright or should I expect to replant?
Good question. I am wondering the same thing. :) Obviously, if your field(s) experienced run off, you could be looking at filling in some bare spots. But I think the bigger risk is all this rain and then possibly little to no rain over the next 3 weeks or so. If that manifests, then bare ground could "crust" and restrict germination.

Too soon to say for sure right now though IMO...let's see what happens in the next 2-3 weeks...then we will we know. :)
Ugly looking clouds & radar in Minnesota. Saw a guy fishing on our lake & lightning hit about 1/4 mile from him ?:oops:

Pouring rain now !
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Planted my brassicas on Sunday and since then have had close to 7 inches of rain here in SE Iowa. Will they be alright or should I expect to replant?
I’d be doing a happy dance unless all came in a torrential downpour. The longer I mess around with planting seeds, and I have been in some form or other for 35 years, the more convinced I am that the absolute best case scenario is for a seedling to get good and established. The first few weeks after germination are key. If they had good conditions, they’ll be much more equipped to handle stress later than if they’d struggled outta the gate. 7 inches, depending on intensity, would have me happier than a hog in slop and will sustain that seedling a good while even in less than ideal soil. Catch another dose in a couple weeks and you’ll be sitting pretty
My app told me this morning that we got another 4" yesterday at our farm. That is on top of about 3" more inches since Sunday. I kid you not when I say that is substantially more, as in 5" or 6" more, than we have received in other years for the whole summer. Time to build an ark! :)
Yea we are at 8.5” in Davis county last 3 days. Was disappointed I didn’t get brassicas planted but may have lucked out as those plots are currently under water.
Timing is everything!! Saw this coming this morning and hauled ass down to farm and got a brassica plot seeded just in time!!

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Same! Finished just as the rain stared.

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I'm still in a severe drought at my place. I cannot even plant brassica yet, and the ground is like concrete. No chance of rain for 7 days.
Looks like most of southern iowa getting a soaker today!!
Yay! ^^ I finished planting brassicas on Saturday, 8/10, and for the first time in YEARS, I had discernable soil moisture present while so doing. 1. We have had good rain throughout the summer. 2. I had left a goodly amount of rye thatch on the surface that kept things from drying out. 3. I did not till or disk, I used my handy dandy no till drill.

The combination puts me in, by far, the best brassica growing situation I have had in probably 10 years or so...and that's before todays rain. Wow. :)
Yay! ^^ I finished planting brassicas on Saturday, 8/10, and for the first time in YEARS, I had discernable soil moisture present while so doing. 1. We have had good rain throughout the summer. 2. I had left a goodly amount of rye thatch on the surface that kept things from drying out. 3. I did not till or disk, I used my handy dandy no till drill.

The combination puts me in, by far, the best brassica growing situation I have had in probably 10 years or so...and that's before todays rain. Wow. :)
Yes! Mine went in the ground yesterday!!!

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