Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Need suggestions


Life Member
I need to buy non hunting/non fishing rain gear. Needs to be durable, flexable, breathable, packable(not take up too much room in a large duffel), afforable and it needs to look good. I need to buy my own rain gear for a disater team I'm on so it cannot be "flashy" but it still has to look presentable.

I also need a "camel back" type of hydration system for the same reasons.

There are so many choices out there for both rain gear and camel backs that I don't know what points to consider so I hthought I'd ask for opinions/advice from folks that have used these items. What are soem points to look for and avoid?


The 'Bonker
I wear Cabela's Guide Wear & that stuff is awesome!

They had been running some real good sales on it and I checked & they are still on sale.

I would recommend getting the bibs and a jacket/parka. I really think you could walk through a carwash with the jacket & bibs on and come out dry!
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I have seen some nice gore-tex outfits from cabelas and bass pro. The frogg toggs are nice as well from what I have seen.
If your looking to stay dry buy something with the following.
Taped seams
Waterproof zippers
Do not buy anything from rivers west unless you want to get wet!
I purchased the h2p law jacket and pants from them. Every time I wore it in the rain I got soaked. I sent it back to them and they retreated it. I still had the same problem. They old me that the zippers and seams aren't water proof! Crazy!

I just bought a new military gortex cameo jacket and pants on ebay to use while scouting. It cost $120 bucks. I should have it today. Once I get it I'll give it a test in the shower and post the results.
You can also check out sportchief.com. They are out of Canada and are supposed to have high quality rain gear. I just requested a catalog.

Good luck!
I'd go with the Frogg Toggs Bonker, unless warmth was going to be in issue. Very packable, very affordable, and they look decent. :way: If you're looking to spend a little more money, Gander Mountain in CR sells TechH20 raingear in a bibs and coat style that have worked very well for me for 5 or 6 years now. They're around 150 or so for the set if I remember correctly and are well worth it. They're a little more durable and stylish with reinforced knees and zippered legs to the hips, yet very lightweight and packable.
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Look at Motorcycle rain gear. I have a Harley Davidson setup that consists of bibs and a coat, and it is tough, as it is meant to hold up to the abuse of the road, and 70 mph winds. It is tough enough to work in and it stuffs down fairly small. Very durable. It also has reflective material on the back, front, and leg inseams for visibility when headlights hit it, which sounds like a good feature, when dealing with disasters in the dark.. $100 for Harley brand and you could save money, I would assume, if you bought a no name brand.
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I am a golf professional and know of many different kinds of rain gear we sell out of our pro shop. Not sure if you need it to be warm or not but Footjoy and Sun Mountain make awesome stuff! I am always kind of leaning toward Footjoy because I like that company but Sun Mountain is pretty awesome. Let me know if you would like any other info on it! Good luck:D
We are issued Servus raingear. They offer plain colors and high visibility options which may be of benefit for your situation. Kinda geared toward responders and like professions.
frogg toggs. and if not frogg toggs, i would agree that footjoy rainwear would be your best option. very presentable and good quality.
Went with Frogtogs. At the price I figured I could't go wrong. The stuff they are made out off feels kinda funny and I hope to never have to find out how good they work.

As far as hydration system I went with a Camel back. I can't remember the model number but it has a 3 liter bladder and enough room to store stuff. Only problem is the color. Bright red. It will clash with my uniform but that is just the way it goes.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I am suprised that nobody said just go naked. Skin is water proof afterall.

The 'Bonker
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