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Need to hire out to clear 10a


Well-Known Member
I have 10a of overgrown crp. It's full of junk trees, evergreens, etc.

I hired a dozer to clear a fire lane surrounding the ground, and was then going to burn the middle, however, he only got the south side cleared before he stopped due to it being too wet to finish.

Now I'm having 2nd thoughts of using the dozer to finish. I hate all the mounds of trees and dirt created from a dozer. It's almost like a barrier where the dozer cleared where deer can't get in or out of the rest of the 10a.

I'm considering not finishing dozing the firebreak on the remaining 3 sides and instead getting a skidsteer with disk or drum mulcher to finish the remaining fire lane. I could then possibly drag a disk around if needed on the cleared fire lanes to get more direct exposed.

Thoughts? Other ideas?
I'm in NW Missouri, Grant City area. Do you have a drum mulcher or disk? Is one better than the other for what I am considering?
Drum mulcher and heavy duty mower for smaller brush. Depends on the size of the trees and the end result your looking for. The mower will do alot but leaves bigger trash. The drum mulcher leaves a much finer end product and can take much larger trees. It can often take some of both in larger areas since the mower can cover more area faster than the mulcher.
Ok, I'm still wanting to burn the middle, so it's sounds like a drum mulcher to create my fire lanes is what you're recommending. There's some grass in the middle, with random trees and brush, if I wasn't clear.
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