Bowtechs engineer that designed their cams has left the company to persue HER own bow company called ELITE ARCHERY. They are designing their own Risers but are needing help in the limb department. They are putting a rubber film on the riser from Limbs Savers and working highly with them on vibration control on their bows. It will have the same cam set up as the tribute beens she designed them. Good luck to bow tech!
Bowtechs engineer that designed their cams has left the company to persue HER own bow company called ELITE ARCHERY. They are designing their own Risers but are needing help in the limb department. They are putting a rubber film on the riser from Limbs Savers and working highly with them on vibration control on their bows. It will have the same cam set up as the tribute beens she designed them. Good luck to bow tech!
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What you're saying is true...except, the ex-bowtech engineer (got fired)is a GUY named Kevin. His wife aka "the girl from the Martin archery ads" is the owner of the company. Check out of talk about Elite archery on there.
Bow Tech started in 1999. I shot Hoyt for the past 10 years and compared the Switchback, Trykon and Allegience. I walked away with the Bow Tech. Last year I bought the Hoyt V Tec and have to comment the Bow Tech is a better shooting bow. Each company has their time and Bow Tech's is now.
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